Poster Presentations: Call for Abstracts

Deadline November 30, 2022

ABSA International announces the CALL FOR ABSTRACTS for posters for the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) 7th International Biosafety & Biocontainment Symposium to be held February 6-9, 2023, in Baltimore, Maryland. We are anticipating over 200 attendees and over 30 vendors showcasing the latest biosafety and biocontainment products and services.

The deadline for abstract submission is November 30.

A panel of judges will evaluate the submitted abstracts and select the top submissions. The authors of those abstracts will be invited to develop a full poster for the Symposium. Posters may be submitted electronically or as displays for the Symposium itself.

In addition, ABSA International/USDA ARS will present a Student and Young Professional Poster Award* and a Professional Poster Award for the best posters in the categories listed below. To be eligible for this award, the poster must be displayed at the Symposium and the author must be in attendance. The awards will be announced at the morning session on Thursday, February 9th.

The symposium focus is on Biosafety and Biocontainment in Modern Agriculture. Poster abstracts should address agriculture-related topics around this focus (see examples of topic areas, below).

Examples of Relevant Poster Topic Areas

  • Biorisk Management practices in Agricultural Research, Diagnostic and Field Operations
  • Applied Biorisk Research in Agriculture and Agricultural Research
  • One Health Issues in Agriculture and Agricultural Research
  • Food Security and Biorisk in Agriculture and Agricultural Research
  • On-Farm Agriculture Business and Agricultural Biosecurity Practices
  • Challenges in Biocontainment Design and Operations for Agricultural Life Science Operations Workforce Development in Agricultural Life Sciences
  • Workforce Development in Agricultural Life Sciences

Again, the deadline for submission is November 30, 2022. Those selected for development of a full poster presentation will be notified by December 5, 2022. Please indicate in your submission if you are a student or young professional* and provide relevant supporting information documenting your eligibility for this category.

* To qualify for the Student and Young Professional Poster Award, you must be a full-time student working less than 20-hours per week and enrolled in 6 or more credit hours per semester at an accredited institution of higher learning or a young professional whose graduation from his/her institution of higher education occurred less than 36 months before February 6, 2023.